Friday, February 5, 2010

New blog address!

Hello friends,
Rising Tide School's blog has moved to!  We are enjoying the improved formatting capabilities at wordpress and will continue our weekly updates there.  Head on over and subscribe!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Learning is Serious Fun

Because all activities at Rising Tide School are equally valued, anything and everything can become a platform for serious learning. It doesn't matter if a student's curiosity is sparked by an academic subject or by paper airplanes. Any aspect of our wide, fascinating world works wonderfully as a springboard for questioning, trying, practicing, modeling, making mistakes, failing, getting resources, trying again, and eventually succeeding. These students amaze me as they strive to learn as much as possible and to do the most excellent work possible, every day. Why? Nobody tells them to learn and to try over and over until they succeed, but they do it anyway. Nobody tells them to schedule a class or to spend several hours testing different models of airplane. They make the commitment of their time and energy because they want to. Their choice of learning platform is often "nontraditional" but the learning is always as serious as it gets. Seeing them at their work/play, I increasingly trust that this dedication to learning is not something that can be taught. It is simply, wonderfully, human nature. All that's needed is the space to let it unfold.